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Making of the mask pattern
for the Double sided

I am using drawing software "Visio" to make the mask pattern of the printed board. Of course, you can use the other software, too.
The first time in the use about me because this software had the symbol of the circuitry.
As for Visio, refer to the following site. http://www.microsoft.com/office/visio/

As for the mask pattern making which used Visio, see "Making of the mask pattern by Visio".

Make the pattern of the component side and the wiring side in one sheet of the drawing.
    The point which is different from the case of the single-sided is to make the component side pattern and the wiring side pattern using the different color.
    You can understand the point of the connection between the component side pattern and the wiring side pattern easily when making by one sheet of the drawing.

In the figure on the left, the black is the wiring side pattern and the red is the component side pattern.
I made this pattern, presupposing the use of the through-hole.

The red circle (the land) part shows the through-hole.

The through-hole is the way of connecting with the part which connects the component side pattern and the wiring side pattern through the thin metallic pipe.
Because it is, the pattern of double sided can be connected in the place which solders the lead of the component.
When not using the through-hole, you must solder the lead of the component at double sided. Or, it is necessary to connect using the wire in the place which is different from the lead of the component.

Separation of the pattern drawing

The wiring side pattern

You copy the pattern which was made in one sheet of the drawing and make the same drawing by the two sheets.
Use the one sheet for the pattern for the wiring side.
In the pattern for the wiring side, the component side pattern is unnecessary. Delete it.

Use the other one sheet for the pattern for the component side.
Delete the pattern for the wiring side.
Attention !
The component side pattern must make either side opposite.
When using Visio, it reverses either side after grouping the whole pattern drawing. Then, the whole pattern reverses.
When not grouping, each object of the line, the circle and so on turns over only and the whole doesn't reverse.

In case of the pattern by the line and the circle, you should turn when printing the mask at the printed board.
When there is a letter, the letter has become opposite. In this case, either side turning-over work becomes necessary when making the drawing.

You make all made lines and so on black.

The component side pattern

The pattern drawing for the component side and the wiring side is complete above.