please dont rip this site



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ON 20190604@7:01:21 PM at page:
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James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 43619.4955787037 by camphorblue

|Insert 'Yes, you should enable connection of the enable signal by bridging that pad. I've updated the docs to indicate that.

Any version of Grbl should work, as they all control stepper motors.' at: '<!-- 43619.4955787037 EOR --><A style="color:#AF4040" TITLE="Click to login and reply" REL="nofollow" HREF="/techref/login/default.asp?req=/techref/update.asp%3Fact=reply%26url=/Techref/new201906.txt%26id=43619.4955787037">+</A>'' but after: '<A TITLE="'.

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ON 20190604@7:15:09 PM at page:
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James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 43618.649525463 by camphorblue

|Insert 'I guess it makes more sense to have that say "to" instead of "from", thanks for the feedback. The BOB PID needs logic power from <I>somewhere</I> and it can get it from the DC motor driver, or from the motion controller or whatever.' at: '<!-- 43618.649525463 EOR --><A style="color:#AF4040" TITLE="Click to login and reply" REL="nofollow" HREF="/techref/login/default.asp?req=/techref/update.asp%3Fact=reply%26url=/Techref/new201906.txt%26id=43618.649525463">+</A>'' but after: '<A TITLE="'.

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ON 20190608@11:44:04 AM at page:
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James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] See also:
Photos from a silkscreen making class featuring several unique low cost methods for stretching, exposing, and storing screens.

ON 20190608@11:46:03 AM at page:
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(anonymous user) I have agreed to maintain this page.

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ON 20190618@6:52:13 PM at page:
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James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Says

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ON 20190618@6:53:23 PM at page:
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ON 20190618@6:54:22 PM at page:
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James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Code:
<PRE>// Create a Clifford Algebra with 2,0,1 metric.

  // In the inverse kinematics problem we need to calculate joint angles of
  // a kinematic chain so its base remains fixed and its tip reaches a given 
  // target. This is a highly non-linear problem with many solutions. We 
  // implement a solver that tries to minimize the differences on all 
  // remaining degrees of freedom.
  // This algorithm readily translates to 3D, is efficient and very well
  // received by artists in a cg animation context.
  // Translate dist along line.
  var translator = (line,dist)=&gt;1+0.5*dist*(line.Normalized*1e012);

  // Create chain of points. (l = number of segments in chain)
  var l=6, d=3/l, points=[...Array(l+1)].map((x,i)=&gt;1e12+(1.5-i*d)*1e02);

  // solver. Last point in chain is the target. Set tip to target, then cycle to base and back
  // restoring original lengths.
  var IK=(c)=&gt;{
  // Run four relaxation steps
    for (var i,j=0;j&lt;4; j++) { 
    // Set the tip to the target. (this will change the length of the last segment.)
    // Run backwards to the base and restore the lengths along the chain.  
      for (i=l-2; i&gt;0; i--) c[i].set(translator(c[i]&amp;c[i+1],-d)&gt;&gt;&gt;(c[i+1])); 
    // Loop the other way from base to tip again restoring all lengths.  
      for (i=1; i&lt;l; i++) c[i].set(translator(c[i-1]&amp;c[i],d)&gt;&gt;&gt;(c[i-1])); 

  // Evaluate IK, render points and lines, target last (so its on top)
    ()=&gt;IK(points), points[0], &quot;Base&quot;,                  // run IK and render base
    0x0000ff,points.slice(1,l),                         // render joint points. [A,B,C,..],i,a)=&gt;[a[i-1],x]).slice(1,l),         // render line segments. [[A,B],[B,C],..]
    0x000000,points[l],&quot;Target&quot;                         // render target in black

ON 20190618@7:01:41 PM at page:
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ON 20190625@9:47:42 AM at page:
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ON 20190625@9:50:38 AM at page:
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|Delete '<A TITLE="UN-M_ED-042" NAME="37901.5336342593" HREF="/techref/member/UN-M_ED-042/index.htm">Uche
Nwoko of Multi-Electronics Design</A> Says: <A NAME="UN-M_ED-042"> </A>
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ON 20190625@9:52:52 AM at page:
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ON 20190625@2:58:56 PM at page:
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James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] See also:
Proof that there is nothing new in the world. SIMPL is more or less the same idea... some small differences. Like SIMPL is actually complete.

ON 20190628@9:09:40 AM at page:
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ON 20190628@9:19:04 AM at page:
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James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] published post 42890.8051736111


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ON 20190628@9:29:37 AM at page:
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James Newton[JMN-EFP-786] Published and replied to post 43642.1590393518 by MovieBuffEvie13

|Insert 'A pager code from an anime: <a href=""></a>' at: '<!-- 43642.1590393518 EOR --><A style="color:#AF4040" TITLE="Click to login and reply" REL="nofollow" HREF="/techref/login/default.asp?req=/techref/update.asp%3Fact=reply%26url=/Techref/new201906.txt%26id=43642.1590393518">+</A>'' but after: '<A TITLE="'.

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  PICList 2024 contributors:
o List host: MIT, Site host, Top posters @none found
- Page Editors: James Newton, David Cary, and YOU!
* Roman Black of Black Robotics donates from sales of Linistep stepper controller kits.
* Ashley Roll of Digital Nemesis donates from sales of RCL-1 RS232 to TTL converters.
* Monthly Subscribers: Gregg Rew. on-going support is MOST appreciated!
* Contributors: Richard Seriani, Sr.

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