The Samsung KS0108 is a graphics only controller and does not
have an on board character generator. Compared to other controllers like
the Toshiba T6963C, the KS0108 has a limited amount of instructions. However,
it is quite easy to interface and program. My problem was trying to find
documentation. The BG Micro, pamphlet
gives some clues but no exact implementation. After numerous hours of hunting
on the internet I found just bits and pieces. Most of what I found came from,
Hantronix Inc. their documentation
is very helpful, since they gave an example program written for an 8051 and
from AZDisplays Inc.who provide excellent
specifications in a pdf file. |
Both these displays are essentially the same except that the 128x32 only
displays 4 pages (lines) at a time, whereas the 128x64 displays all 8 lines.
The KS0108 controller has 512 bytes of display ram arranged as 64x64 pixels.
Each LCD module has two controllers! One controls the
left side while the other the right side. |
Notes on the pinouts and implementation
The controller has an onboard power supply (Vee) for
the LCD contrast. By connecting a 20k POT between Vee (Pin 8) and 5+v
Vdd (Pin 2) with the pots wiper connected to Vo (Pin 3) one is able to adjust
the LCDs contrast. Pins 19 and 20 are the cathode (K) and anode (A)
of the backlit led. One should insert a 100-200 ohm resister in series with
the anode to provide overload protection. |
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